Few of the Wireless Communication Product we handle
Few of the Networking Product we handle
We understand corporate requirements and needs do vary. So does our solution. In order to serve you better, as a strategic decision SKYCOMM INTERNET SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED will cater to the needs of corporate and business only.
Our network is completely managed, right till your premises. This helps us to ensure you better uptime, through put and higher grade of service.
We provide Service Level Agreement, at your doorsteps-your LAN network. SKYCOMM provides to its customer a commitment means up time of POP of 99%, assuring the customer high-grade quality and reliable service
Our NOC in Coimbatore monitors the entire network 7x24. The entire link, including the last mile link connecting your premises to POP are monitored 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Thus making sure our technical expertise is there to manage the network and offer our customers uninterrupted high speed connectivity.
We believe customer service should not be at a premium but an integral part of the product / service offering. Our Manager Business Development is your one point of contact. We have a multi-channel call logging system, which is being designed with proper escalation system.
SKYCOMM offers a Variable Speed Option, i.e. Port speeds from 10Mbps Kbps –10Gbps. Based on usage analysis, you can upgrade the bandwidth without change in the infrastructure or capital outlay. The speed can be increased as and when you want and billing will be pro rata. This is only possible as the Internet Port is logically at you premises.
Dedicated 24 x 7 Internet Access
SKYCOMM will provide you and your business with fast access to the world of Internet.